This is the ONLY and OFFICIAL website for the
Indian Point Homeowners Association
Indian Point Community
We are aware that fraudulent website's have been created using our IPHOA (Indian Point Homeowners Association) in their title as this is illegal and misrepresents them as our registered name. Some of the information on their site is false and miss leading. Our attorney's are addressing this matter.
As official IPHOA information, such as Bylaws, minutes and financial reports, etc, are for members only, our attorney's have informed us that this information must be removed from our website. This information will be contained within a member only access area, which will permit our members to sign into to obtain. This process is currently being worked on and members will receive further information shortly on how they can obtain access to member only information. We ask for your patience as we continue to address these issues.
Indian Point Homeowners Association
The Indian Point Homeowners Association was created by the Greater Construction, under Osceola County Ordinance, in 1994. They created the Indian Point Homeowners Association as a Not-for-Profit Corporation under Florida State Statute 617. As the governing authority within the community, it is our role to protect our residents and community by enforcing the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions, also known as the Deed Restrictions, that were created by Greater Construction. Our mission is to maintain a community standard, promote sound growth while protecting the property value for all 490 homes within our community. All homeowners, as recorded on the Public Records of Osceola County, FL, are members of the association when they purchase a home within our community as Greater Construction created our community. Homeowners are to submit their completed application and membership dues in support their community and the Indian Point Homeowners Association. If they choose not to support their community and submit their membership dues, their membership and privilege are suspended. The annual dues of $60.00, may seem like a small amount for the large amount of work we are required to do. All revenue goes for our community and residents.
On February 14, 2003, at completion of the Indian Point community, Greater Construction deeded all common areas and the Indian Point Recreational Complex to the Indian Point Homeowners Association and it's members, for their use and enjoyment.
The annual Indian Point Homeowners Association membership renewal information for the upcoming year is sent to all homeowners of Public Record. As requested by our homeowners, the information is sent out in September to enable our homeowners to receive the information and pay their dues in a timely manner before the January 1st deadline. We know things gets crazy at the end of the year and with all our busy schedules things get over looked, so reminders are sent out as required. Homeowners who have not paid their membership dues by March 31st will have their membership and privileges suspended.
We thank you for your continued support of your community!
Over the years we have continued to educate all our homeowners of the compliance to the Indian Point Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions, also known as the Deed Restrictions that govern our community. Through meetings, mailings and text messages to ensure that our homeowners cannot say they do not know when they get assessed with a violation of these rules. Our attorney created a letter that we continually send out with the rules to educate our homeowners.
While the majority of our homeowners comply and follow the rules, there are those that simply refuse to comply or are just lazy to adhere to these rules. We spend a lot of time and money to enforce these rules. Information mailings, process serving of violation and legal actions. All violations are documented and our used to enforce the compliance and legal action, as some have learned as they made financial restitution to the Association for their violations.
The state of Florida legislature has assisted all Deed Restricted communities with the enforcement of these rules. As passed by state statute and adopted by the Indian Point Homeowners Association, fines can be assessed, per violation of $100 per day. Further failure to comply can also bring legal action, resulting in possible liens and even foreclosure. We have repeatedly reminded all homeowners of these facts. But as the increasing cost of enforcement for non-compliance continues, the Board of the Indian Point Homeowners Association has made a decision to commence with the state statute.
Beginning on January 1, 2023, the Association will assess fines as part of the continuing non-compliance as per state statute. All violations are documented and fines will be assessed at the $100 a day per violation as approved by the state legislature.
We are sorry to do this but it is not fair to your neighbors and our community that we have worked so hard for. So, further information will be sent so a homeowner cannot say they are unaware of the rules. It is their job to remind their property managers and tenants of these rules and ensure compliance.
Again, we are sorry, but follow the rules!